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E-Mail: info@strohm.de

Tel: 0211 - 65 04 08 0 

Unsere Zahlungsmöglichkeiten vor Ort:




Terms and Conditions:


All prices are in (€) Euro including VAT. All prices in the Hufbeschlagshop are valid for ultimate consumers only. We charge the prices valid on the day of delivery. Prices are subject to change without notice.



Deliveries are charged with a postage and packing fee of 5,04 € (plus tax) per parcel and per order.

Deliveries to the German Islands: plus 10,00€.
Cash on delivery (C.O.D.): plus 8,00 €.


Shipping abroad:

Freight charges according to prior agreement only.



Direct debit, Credit Card, Paypal or C.O.D.
Shipments abroad only against prepayment. For every justified reminder we charge 15,00€.



Until complete payment has been made the goods remain our property.



Returns are possible within 14 days after delivery and only with prior agreement with our staff. For returns without prior agreement and returns after the limit of 14 days, we charge 15% of the original value of goods. We do not accept returns without paid postage!


Bank details:

Commerzbank AG Düsseldorf
Account No.: 4 755 088
Bank sorting code: 300 400 00

For international transfers:
IBAN DE04 300400000475508800


Stock items/order items

Stock items are items that are generally available from stock and at short notice. Order items are items that we carry in our range but do not have in stock, but are ordered specially for you. The delivery time depends on the availability of the manufacturer/supplier. For urgent orders, we always ask you to check availability in advance.

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